German Valley Week – Building bridges between Germany & the Bay Area, 10-17 May 2014

German Valley Week, taking place between 10-17 May, 2014, offers selected German entrepreneurs the opportunity to experience an intensive week in the famous Bay Area. Our 2013 event was such a success that we are going back in 2014! We will be meeting some of the brightest stars in Silicon Valley, learning and fostering business relations between the two startup ecosystems.

The first earlybird startup package tickets are now available! Find all information here and the application form here:

The final schedule is currently being worked on and will be presented as soon as it is ready. If you have any questions you can reach the organization team at hello[at]


German Valley Week is organized by the German Startups Foundation (Bundesverband Deutsche Startups e.V.).

2 Kommentare zu „German Valley Week – Building bridges between Germany & the Bay Area, 10-17 May 2014“

  1. Hallo Ben,
    ja, das ist schon ordentlich, aber ich kann aus Erfahrung sagen, dass das Valley einfach sehr teuer ist (allein schon die Unterkunft). Außerdem relativiert sich der Preis, wenn man sieht, was der BVDS da letztes Jahr auf die Beine gestellt hat. Ich hab nur Gutes gehört. Und vor allem wenn man auf Investorensuche in den USA ist, lohnen sich die High-level Kontakte, die man da bekommt.

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