European Innovation Academy, 8-26th July 2013 in Tallinn, Estonia

Diesen Sommer findet in Tallinn, Estland, schon das zweite Mal die European Innovation Academy statt. Lasst es euch nicht entgehen, euer eigenes Startup im Rahmen des Programms auf den Weg zu bringen und am Ende die Chance auf 10.000€ zu haben. Die Veranstalter haben außerdem u.a. Steve Blank als Speaker gewinnen können (via Video-Streaming). Meldet euch schnell noch bis zum 30. April an, dann könnt ihr von den Early Bird-Preisen profitieren.

First Class Experience on building Startups

European Innovation Academy is a completely new level in Startup trainings. From idea to company in 3 weeks – obtain the skills, knowledge and network in a truly international and intense environment. The most innovative Startup will win 10.000€! Spend the best part of your summer with the most determined young people from all over the world and make history!
Lectures, workshops, case studies, video training, cultural exchange, pitching – each week we have one thematic course that concentrates on a certain stage of founding a company. You can choose: either you go through the whole journey with us or join the ride for one course that you’re most interested in.

The main aim of the program is to help you build up your own business model – you have an idea? Feel free to take it with you to Innovation Academy. We help you on every step in building up your own future startup! Explore how to identify and develop great ideas into great companies. Learn how to identify opportunities based on real customer needs. Develop successful business models. Create your own future!

European Innovation Academy brings together all stakeholders involved in the entrepreneurial process: talented people with an entrepreneurial mind, world class academics in their field of study, inspiring professional managers and in the end internationally recognized venture capitalists who might give you the investment of a life time!

In three weeks you will go through different stages of founding a company:
I – Innovation and Entrepreneurship
II – Business Model Innovation
III – Entrepreneur Prototyping and Finance

It is entirely your choice if you want to participate in all the courses, but if you want to admit the whole process – from idea to company – we strongly recommend to take part in all three.

Three weeks innovative time includes unique sessions:
– Innovators Speed Dating and Team Marriage
– Entrepreneurs Failure Pitching
– James Bond Innovation Challenge
– Star Trek Technology Lab
– Hands on Innovation Lab
– Lego Lab Prototyping
– Pitching to Venture Capitalists

The Sessions
Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook were founded by college students. Could you be building the next star technology start-up? Innovation Academy is a breeding ground for young start-ups where ideas get funding by internationally recognized venture capitalists. European Innovation Academy Summer Session benefits from the best mentors in Europe and US (Silicon Valley) ranging from entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to professors and experts. Mentors will provide you with guidance and advice based on your specific business idea.

The Speakers
Speakers (this year e.g. Steve Blank, Peter Vesterbacka, Ravi Belani, Ken Singer etc.) will share their idea and experience in the field of innovation & entrepreneurship. These lectures will provide broader knowledge concerning our topics and will give you an impulse for discussions. European Innovation Academy has hosted incredible speakers from all around the World. All of our speakers have their own expertise in different fields of innovation. More than just study work, they will be there to give you individual mentoring regarding your business idea.

Early bird registration deadline: 30 April 2013
Registration deadline 31 May 2013

Special offer before 30 April 2013:
One course: 390 EUR
Two courses: 730 EUR
Three courses: 990 EUR

By mentioning that you got the event information via StartUp Stuttgart, you get a discount of 30% on the ticket prizes.

Go get your ticket now!

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